
Lawyer Denitsa Nikolova is a member of the Sofia Bar Association (SBA).
From the beginning of 2018 is a mediator, registered in the Unified Mediator Register.
She has graduated the Law Faculty of the University Of National And World Economy in 2005 at Sofia, Bulgaria. She is a graduate of Samokov city’s “Konstantin Fotinov” high school with foreign language learning, German class.
Fluent in English and German language. Specialized legal English and has an International Legal English Certificate from the University of Cambridge /ILEC/.
She starts her own law practice in the beginning of 2011, having previously worked in approved construction and investment corporations as a legal adviser in the area of real estates. Fields - Property Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law and earlier - at the Supreme Prosecutor's Office of Cassation (Department “International Affairs”) with the sphere of activity being International cooperation of the Prosecutor’s Office.
The precision, the patience, the individual approach towards every client and the discretion are pretty much defining her work. Lawyer Nikolova offers practical decisions for every tangible case, paying attention not only to the whole picture, but to every detail of it as well.
She is notable as a professional in her area of expertise. Lawyer Denitsa Nikolova possesses an indispensable experience, gained with her everyday work and contacts with court, state and municipal authorities, public institutions and organizations.
She also has the skills to identify the problem, to suggest options for its solving, and by taking under consideration the costs and the advantages of the various actions, to choose the most appropriate one; to hold the negotiations, pointing and leading them to favourable for the both parties end; to listen to them carefully, doing it without interrupting, but asking the right questions.
On this page the clients are not named, since all of them are valuable for lawyer Nikolova, who remains loyal to each and every one of them and their cases.
Offers professional services, that are built through the constant care, laid by her in order to accomplish an effective work relationship with the clients, based on confidentiality, mutual respect, trust and a spirit of partnership. This is what truly differs her from the other law firms.

Participation in specialized workshops and conferences on legal issues:
Date | Workshop |
April 27, 2018 | Conference: Colloquium on "Personal Data Protection and Personal Data Administration. Lawyers' Readiness for the Application of the Regulation ", part of the Sofia Bar Association project and the International Union of Attorneys with headquarters in Paris / UIA / for cooperation on raising the qualification of Sofia lawyers in the field of the European Union Law. |
January 29, 2018: | Conference: "GDPR SOFIA", organized by Digital National Alliance. |
January 25, 2018: | The new European Regulation for the protection of personal data EU 2016/679 - GDPR |
December 05, 2017: | The new rules for the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data according to the Regulation 2016/679 |
September 27, 2017: | Investment projects and building permit. |
October 7-8, 2014: | Legal aspects of franchise business.Distribution contracts; |
Аpril 25, 2014: | Contract for bank loan - Litigation in commercial disputes arising from the unilateral change in the terms laid down in the contract for bank loan; |
March 6, 2014: | “Current issues on the Civil Proceeding Code” |
21-22 October 2013 | 6th Eastern European Gaming Summit /EEGS/; |
October 11, 2013. | “Current guideline in labour and social security relations.” |
July 18, 2013. | “Current practical problems in implementing the Territory Zoning Act.” |
July 5, 2013. | “Avoidance of double taxation - trends and development prospects.” |
March 27-29, 2013. | “Civil Litigation - enforcement proceedings, proceedings in civil cases, subject to the law of the European Court, imperative and security proceedings.” |
March 21-23, 2012. | Regulation (EC) 864/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law, applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II). |
January 16-18, 2012 | Regulation (EC) 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law, applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I). |
May 11-13, 2011 | “Current issues of the zoning and construction of the country.“ |
March 09-11, 2011 | “Current issues of commercial law. Legislative changes. Liquidation. Enforcement Proceedings.” |
Finished projects and in process projects:

Legal advisor of the project “Plana Heights” in the new settlement “Plana Heights” in the village of Alino, Samokov municipality; www.planaheights.com; Draft of contracts concerning the activities of the project’s architekt; following the process of changing the use of the project’s terrotory from agricultural land into urbanized territory – check of all documents concerning the whole procedure of changing the use of the land; draft of separate contracts with the clinets of the investor’s company; preparation of documents for concluding the final deal – draft of the notary acts /representation of the investor before the notary public;
Legal advisor of the Binational chamber of commerce Bulgaria-Israel - the Binational chamber of commerce Bulgaria-Israeli is an official coordinating strategic body that develops and strengthens the economic, trade and humanitarian cooperation between bulgaria and israel; www.bccbi.bg;
Kazino technology Ltd. – area of activity: production and servicing of gaming equipment for gambling, import and distribution of gambling equipment for gambling activities; legal services and litigation in the field of commercial law, property law, contract law, administrative law and labor law;
Ministry of health: technical assistance at the ethics committee of multicenter testing - darfting legal analysis regarding presented documents by the investors for conducting a medical test of medical devices under the law on medicinal products in humanic medicine; www.bda.bg;